Flock is Flutter+ • Flock is a fork of Flutter. Flock stays up to date with Flutter, and also adds new community features.
Get Started
Configure your Flutter project to use Flock.
For now, Flock is just a direct copy of Flutter. We're working on smoothing out the
synchronization process on GitHub. We encourage you to start using Flock, which should
exactly match Flutter's current master
branch. If you run into any difficulties,
please file an issue with us so we can fix it!
Install FVM
Flutter Version Manager (FVM) lets you install and use multiple versions of Flutter on the same machine. To use Flock, start by installing FVM.
Existing FVM Installation
Because of the way that FVM identifies Flutter versions, if you've already installed Flutter master
with FVM, you'll need to delete that version before using Flock.
To delete an existing version, locate your FVM cache directory, and then delete the subdirectory called "master".
Configure FVM for Your Project
Select a Flutter project where you'd like to use Flock. In that project, create a new file
called .fvmrc
at the root of the Flutter project.
Configure .fvmrc
to use Flock:
"flutter": "master",
"flutterUrl": "https://github.com/join-the-flock/flock.git"
Install Flock
Open a terminal at your project directory and run fvm flutter --version
. FVM should notify
you that "Master" is not installed, and then prompt you to install it.
Flutter SDK: Channel: Master is not installed.
? Would you like to install it now? (y/n) › yes
Select "yes" to install the Flock version of Flutter to your FVM cache.
Verify Flock Installation
To verify that your Flock installation worked, run fvm flutter --version
. Ensure
that your Flutter git URL points to https://github.com/join-the-flock/flock.git
Flutter 3.27.0-1.0.pre.200 • channel master • https://github.com/join-the-flock/flock.git
Framework • revision 452ef96537 (16 hours ago) • 2024-10-22 12:37:14 +0000
Engine • revision e6856502b5
Tools • Dart 3.7.0 (build 3.7.0-47.0.dev) • DevTools 2.40.1
Using Flock
You're now setup to use Flock! Run all of your usual Flutter commands through FVM.
fvm flutter --version
fvm flutter pub get
fvm flutter run
fvm flutter build
# etc.
Within your project, FVM commands will be sent to the Flock version of Flutter.